Unknown Women's Group in front of the Glassboro Fire House

This photograph features an unknown women's group in front of the Glassboro Fire House (Department). The Fire House building was located on High Street, behind the Junior Mechanics Building (Also known as the Whitney Building). The approximate map coordinates are 39.703017, -75.112549.

Back of the photo shares these names
Mrs. Jena Shrue, Blande Shrue, Ethel Andirson, Guise Buck, Mrs. Supple, Mrs. Siebert, Lizzie Siebert-Lynch, Mrs. Rhem, Ethil Smedley, Mrs. Joanna Wills, Mrs. Bertha Joseph, Mrs. Ella Appels, Bertha Laulin, Anna Bunaganton, Mrs. Grace Harbut

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The Glassboro Memory Mapping Project is made possible through the kindness of our community volunteers. Please contact us to contribute information or to help with the project.

